Our organisation

The organisation of Arpa Piemonte

The organisation of Arpa Piemonte is functional to the implementation of the goals its sets for itself and its the institutional tasks, its focus being the pursuit of the role of the Agency as a point of reference in terms of environmental knowledge for public administrations and bodies, for the community and the citizens.

The organisation of Arpa is based on the following principal functions, and is geared to their full integration:
- general management and steering functions;
- support for and monitoring of institutional policies in the fields of protection of the environment, the supply of information, prevention & environmental preservation, natural hazard prediction services;
- oversight and control functions;
- instrumental laboratory functions;
- across-the-board support functions.


via Pio VII, 9 - 10135 Torino - tel. 011 1968 0111 fax 011 1968 1471 - Partita IVA 07176380017 - protocollo@pec.arpa.piemonte.it