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About us

Who is Arpa Piemonte

The Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment (Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale - ARPA) of Piedmont is a public body with independent status for administrative, technical-juridical, asset management and accounting purposes.
It operates under the oversight of the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the regional government so as to ensure compliance with the policy guidelines issued by the Piedmont Region in the fields of forecasting, preventive actions and preservation of the environment.

The Agency provides work for 1,100 people trained in the technical-scientific fields and the humanities. Most of the people engaging in laboratory work, the production of environmental services and environmental protection activities have a technical-scientific background.

Fundamental values - such impartiality, transparency, competence and incessant search for the best practices - are shared by all employees, according to a logic of individual and collective responsibility.

Our mission

Our history

Our organisation

Our activities

Our project

via Pio VII, 9 - 10135 Torino - tel. 011 1968 0111 fax 011 1968 1471 - Partita IVA 07176380017 - protocollo@pec.arpa.piemonte.it