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Chemical status

Description The chemical status of rivers and lakes is evaluated on the basis of 33+8 hazardous substances or priority hazardous for which European Directive 2008/105/EC, implemeted by Legislative Decree 219 /10, provided the Environmental Quality Standards (EQS)

European Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD), Directive 2008/105/EC, Directive 2009/90/EC, Legislative Decree 152/06, Decree 131/2008, Decree July 17, 2009, Decree 219/2010, Decree 260/10

Legislative target Good Chemical status. The Chemical status may be good / not good pass or fail depending on the EQS calculation as defined by the Decree 260/10
Data sources Arpa Piemonte
Unit Index
Updating 2019
Temporal coverage 2009 - 2018
Notes Good condition of the surface water body is determined on the basis of the evaluation of the worse data in three years for operative monitoring and in one year for Supervisory monitoring


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