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Environmental certifications

DPSIR Responses
Description The indicator provides information on the number of organizations that have obtained the environmental certification, implementing a sustanaibility management system
EC Regulation 1221/2009 (EMAS, ISO 14001, EC Regulation 66/2010 (European Ecolabel), ISO 14025 (EPD - Environmental Product Declaration)
Legislative target
Data sources Ispra, Sincert, Arpa Piemonte, Environdec
Unit number
Updating 2019
Temporal coverage 2000 - 2018


via Pio VII, 9 - 10135 Torino - tel. 011 1968 0111 fax 011 1968 1471 - Partita IVA 07176380017 - protocollo@pec.arpa.piemonte.it