Protected areas

DPSIR/European Code Responses/ SEBI 007
Description The indicator provides an estimate of the degree of conservation of natural areas by evaluating the extent of protected areas
Legislation 6 December 1991, No 394 "Framework Law on Protected Areas," LR 22 March 1990, No. 12 "New rules for protected areas (national parks, nature reserves, picnic areas, preparco Zone, Zones of protection). DGR No. 3-5405 of 28
February 2007, Technical report for revision of the SPA in February 2007, DGR n.17-6942 of September 24, 2007, LR 19/2009 "Consolidation Act on protection of natural areas and biodiversity"
Legislative target
Data sources Piedmont Region
Unit hectares (ha), % of regional surface
Updating 2019
Temporal coverage 2019


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